They said to call them back if it didn't work but it's weekend so i was trying to fix it my self. I called EA-customer support, they said to delete origins programdata folder and restart the pc with anti-virus off and re-install. I uninstalled and re-installedit, didn't work. So i tried to repair fix it again, it didn't work. i tried running the game on admin-rights and compatibility mode for windows-7 and windows-xp servicepack 3 as sugested by EA, those didn't help. The game worked fine until few days later when it started to crash time-to-time for no apparent reason, thus i went on origin and right-clicket on DA:O-Ultimate edition to repair it.Īfter the repair the game would not start and only givign me this error message ' Invalid license. so after few days of playng the game i bought the DA:O-Ultimate edition. So i recently started to play the free version of DA:O and i got hooked on it.